Fly by Night Press, a subsidiary of A Gathering of the Tribes, publishes one a biennial art and literary Journal, Tribes Magazine.

From 1991 to 2018, Fly by Night Press published one to three books of poetry and fiction by emerging and debut authors.

Tribes Magazine Online publishes poetry, fiction, essays, literary and art reviews by diverse authors.

Tribes Magazine Online provides stipends to working authors for newly commissioned prose. We also promote the work of debut and emergiing authors through reviews of small and micro-press publications.

Tribes Readings and Events provide a platform for, and promote traditionally under-represented authors of diversity, pairing emerging with established authors, allowing new authors to reach a more extensive audience. (Beginning in May, Tribes will host a Spotlight series, featuring select authors through virtual readings and talk-backs.)

Tribes Fiscal Sponsorship Program provides low-threshold fiscal sponsorship opportunities to diverse artists, writers, and un-incorporated groups.

Tribes Fiscal Sponsorship Program provides low-threshold fiscal sponsorship opportunities to diverse artists, writers, and un-incorporated groups.

Tribes also sponsors select artist immigrant visas, via invitation.

For more information, click here.